Calling and purpose

Mentor guide



  1. To clarify expectations about the program.

  2. To understand God’s call and purpose for our lives.

  3. To provide an overview of where we are heading (discipleship wheel).

Key points

  1. The goal of meeting together is to equip you to grow as a disciple and to make disciples

  2. Our primary calling is to follow Jesus –  the life of discipleship

  3. That can be broken down into four key areas - called to a relationship with God, called to grow in Christlikeness, called to ministry and called to mission

  4. The discipleship wheel is a tool to explore and put into practice the key aspects of being a disciple

Discipleship wheel

The discipleship wheel is an illustration to explore these different aspects of our calling and purpose together. The vertical spokes are focussed on our relationship with God and growth in Christlikeness (being) and the horizontal spokes are mainly focussed on the overflow of that relationship in ministry and mission (doing).

Session guide


  1. What are you hoping to get out of meeting together?

  2. What is your faith story (if not known already)?

  3. Did you have a sense of purpose before coming a Christian? If so, what was it?

  4. Do you have a sense of purpose now that you are a Christian? If so, what is it?

  5. Do have any questions from the article you read/listened to?

Key passages

Matthew 22:35-38 - the great commandment - to love God

Matthew 4:18-22 - to follow Jesus – invited to a relationship

Romans 8:28-29 - to be conformed to the image of Jesus – transformation

Matthew 22:37-40 - the second commandment - to love our neighbour - ministry

Matthew 28:19,20 - the great commission - to go and make disciples – mission


Wheel illustration

1.  Go through the spokes of the wheel, how they relate to the Bible passages, how they relate to each other and how they are important components of discipleship.

2.  Review the idea of practices as a way or building these into our lives and growing in discipleship. Reinforce the balance of God’s work and our work in transformation and the importance of grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).

To think about and do

Which of those spokes do you find easiest to put into practice and which do find hardest?

Preparation for next meeting

Read or listen to next article (Called to a relationship – Engaging with the Bible)

Header photo by Tim Graf on Unsplash