Burning Heart Ministries
What is Burning Heart Ministries?
We are a discipling ministry. We provide resources, offer activities and foster relationships that support and equip Christians to be disciples and make disciples.
What is our vision?
Our vision is a church filled with people who have the kind of relationship with God that, compelled by love and empowered by the Spirit, overflows into growth in Christlikeness and impacts the world around them by their loving service and attractive witness.
Who are we?
We are a group of Christians who have a passion for encouraging others to grow as Jesus’ disciples. We are not affiliated with any particular church or denomination but are brought together by the desire to use our gifts, abilities and capacity to equip people to live out their calling to be disciples and make disciples.
What are our beliefs?
As a group, we hold a variety of views on church belief and practice. But we hold to a firm position on Christian orthodoxy in the core beliefs found in the Bible and expressed in the creeds of the early Christian church.
Why do we exist?
All churches are involved in the ministry of discipling. But not all churches equip people to disciple others. And there are organisations who equip people to disciple others but operate outside the local church. Our aim is to support local churches by assisting and equipping people to be disciples and make disciples in their local church community.
What is our financial situation?
Burning Heart Ministries neither has funds nor seeks funds. All of the ministries are supported by people who give their time voluntarily because they are committed to the vision of the ministry and are passionate about doing what they can to support others in growing as disciples.