Equipping people to grow in being disciples and making disciples
The resources in this website can be used as part of a program.
The aim of the program is to equip you to grow as a disciple and a disciple maker.
The program has two parts.
The first part explores some practical tools that are focused on growing and deepening in our relationship with God.
The second part explores practical steps to grow in living out our calling to ministry and mission in the church and in the world.
The resources that are provided for the program include ten articles.
The articles focus on four central aspects of our calling to follow Jesus: our calling to a relationship with God (knowing), our calling to transformation (growing), our calling to ministry and our calling to mission.
For each of these four aspects, the articles explore two key practices to help grow in each of these areas.
What does the program involve?
First, reading or listening to one of the articles each month. These take around 20 minutes each.
Second, meeting with a mentor each month to explore the topic further and to take practical steps to build it into your life.
It is suggested that these sessions are done 4 weeks apart so that the entire program is covered in 10 months.
Additional resources are also provided for those who want to explore any of the topics further.