Fellowship of the Burning Heart

“They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” “ Luke 24:32 (ESV) 

God calls us to be disciples and to make disciples. And this happens best in community. Not just any community, but an intentional community of like-minded followers of Jesus who share a hunger and passion to love God and live out their calling.

What is the Fellowship of the Burning Heart?

The Fellowship of the Burning Heart is a community of Christians who have a heart to be disciples and make disciples - a group of people with a thirst to know God in a way that makes their hearts burn within them as they walk alongside others in the ministry and mission that God has given them.

What is the vision of the Fellowship?

The vision is a community of “burning heart” Christians who are in love with God, growing in Christlikeness and using their gifts, abilities and capacity to influence their churches and to impact the world around them.

What is the thinking underlying the Fellowship?

  1. Christian discipleship begins with a personal, experiential relationship with God that overflows into growing Christlikeness and a life of joyful service in ministry and mission.

  2. That this sort of relationship and life is infused by grace and empowered by the Spirit but undergirded by practice.

  3. That we do these things best when we have others around us with the same heart and commitment who can support and encourage us.

What commitments are required to be part of the Fellowship?

There are three basic commitments that are expected if you would like be part of this Fellowship. These are:

  1. A commitment to core practices that foster and deepen your relationship with God and facilitate transformation including engaging with God through the Bible, prayer and meeting with other believers.

  2. A commitment to exploring the calling God has given you and actively using the skills, gifts, resources and opportunities that you have in ministry and mission.

  3. A commitment to regular one-on-one meeting with one other person in the Fellowship for a relationship of mutual support, encouragement and accountability.

What are your doctrinal beliefs?

The Fellowship welcomes people from all Christian traditions. The Fellowship does not advocate particular positions on church practice or belief other than the core Christian beliefs found in the Bible and expressed in the creeds of the early Christian church.

Is this designed to replace church?

No. The Fellowship is not a substitute for belonging to a local church. The aim is not to take people away from their church but to support people to grow in discipleship within their local church.