Gospel taking

Mentor guide

Key practice

Taking the gospel



  1. To have a clear understanding of what our mission is.

  2. To have a growing excitement about the gospel.

  3. To have confidence and skills to be involved in mission wherever they are.      

Key points     

1. Our mission as Christians is the task of taking the gospel into all the world

2. We are therefore all called to be missionaries

3. That means having a "gospel mindset" wherever we are or wherever we go

4. We take the gospel by who we are, by what we do and by what we say

Session guide

Review questions

1. How are things going with thinking about ways that you serve people outside church? Did anything come up after the last session?

2. Any questions from the article?

3. How do you find taking the gospel? Easy, challenging?    

Key Passages

2 Corinthians 2:12-17 – we take the gospel by being the aroma, the fragrance of Christ to those around us

Matthew 5:16 – we take the gospel by our deeds

1 Peter 3:15 – we take the gospel by our words

Acts 1:8 – we take the gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit


  1. What comes to mind when you hear the word mission?

  2. How do you feel about that?

  3. In what ways is the gospel good news?

  4. What are some of the ways that the Bible tells us to “take the good news” to people?

  5. What are the opportunities for mission where you are now?

  6. How can you make good use of those? What might hold you back?

To think about and do

  • Think about people in your current circles (eg friends, family, colleagues, neighbours).

  • Are there any who appear to be interested in spiritual things?

  • Start a prayer list of people who may be interested and pray for them – that God would give them a hunger and would give you opportunities to share.

  • Think about ways to deepen your relationship with them so that you can naturally share about your faith.

Preparation for next meeting

Read or listen to next article (Called to mission – making disciples)

Header photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash