Engaging with the Bible

Mentor guide


Key practice

Bible reading


Bible reading plan

Bible reading method - 3 Rs – Read, Reflect, Respond


1.      To be encouraged and motivated to engage with the Bible.

2.     To know how to engage with the Bible in a way that builds knowledge, touches the heart and translates into practice.

3. To build a practical foundation for consistent and regular lifelong engagement with the Bible with Bible reading as a core practice

Key points

1.  Our calling to a relationship with God involves head, heart and action.

2.  Bible reading is a key means for knowing God and growing in that relationship.

3.  Finding a time and method that works will help make Bible reading a regular practice.

4.  The 3 Rs - Read, Reflect, Respond - is a basic tool to help study the Bible in a way that involves head, heart and action. 

5. There are other ways to engage with the Bible (introduced in the article and explored further in the Additional Resources).

6. Consistency and depth is more important that quantity.

Session guide

Review questions

1.  Any questions coming out of the article?

2.  How are you going with Bible reading/what do you do?

3. What do you think are reasons for taking time to read the Bible?

Key Passage

What do these passages tell us about engaging with the Bible?

2 Timothy 3:14-17 – the Bible helps to teach, rebuke, correct and train us in righteousness, so that we may be equipped for every good work.

Other passages

Hebrews 4:12 – the Bible is powerful and active

1 Peter 2:1-3 – the Bible is food and nourishment

Psalm 1:1-3 – the Bible helps us to flourish and prosper

Luke 8:11-15 – being good soil – hearing the word, retaining it and persevering

James 1:22-25 – we are to be doers of the word not hearers


1.   What do you find makes it hard to get a regular time to read the Bible?

2.   How do you feel about your Bible reading times? ie do you find them encouraging, fresh, do they draw you close to God

3.   Have you thought about making changes to the way you read the Bible?

4.   What are other ways that you get into the Bible? eg Listening to podcasts, memorisation, journaling, meditation, reading theological books, attending a course

5.   Are you interested and do you have the capacity to look at other ways of getting into the Bible at the moment?

To think about and do

1.    If you don’t have a Bible reading plan, you may like to start by reading a chapter a day from the New Testament.

2.   If you don’t have a Bible reading method, you may like to try using the 3Rs method of Bible study. If you are unsure about how to use it, there is a worked example in the Additional Resources section.

3. If you already have a plan and method for Bible reading in place but finding it a bit stale, consider ways to freshen it and to engage your head and heart. Some possible ways can be found in the Additional Resources section.

4. Create a place where you can start to record what you are going to do in terms of practices. There is a template, but you can use this to start one in your preferred format. Start by recording your plan for Bible reading.

Preparation for next meeting

Read or listen to next article (Called to a relationship - Engaging in prayer)

Header Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash