Disciple making

Mentor guide

Key  practice

Disciple making



1. To have the confidence and skills to be able to engage in disciple making whatever their gifts and resources

2. To grasp the vision of multiplication – making disciples who can make disciples

3. To start thinking about how they can be involved in disciple making

Key points     

1.  We are all called to make disciples, the question is in what capacity.

2.  It may be in full time, supported church ministry.

3.  It may be through the various ways we contribute and minister to those in our church.

4.  It may be through a specific one-to-one ministry to equip people to be disciples and make disciples.

Session guide

Review questions

1.  How are you going with taking the gospel? Is there anyone who you think may be interested in spiritual things.

2.  Any questions or thoughts from the article?

3.  What do you think about the idea of making disciples?

Key Passages

Matthew 28:19-20 – the Great Commission, our calling to make disciples

Ephesians 4:15-16 – we can all be involved in making disciples in our church community

2 Timothy 2:2 – identifying and equipping faithful men (and women)

Philippians 2:19-24 – Paul and Timothy, the closeness of one-to-one discipling


1.  Do you feel you have the gifts and skills to be involved in disciple making?

2.  What particular way of making disciples do you think fits with your gifts and capacity right now?

3.  Would you consider another role (eg full time church ministry or one-to-one discipling) in the future?

4.  If yes, what steps would you need to take to head in that direction?

To think about and do

·  Think about ways you can be involved in disciple making right where you are now with your gifts and resources and capacity.

·  Think and pray about taking on another role in making disciples in the future.

·  If you sense a call to take on another role, consider what steps you can take to explore that further.

Preparation for next meeting

Read or listen to next article (Called for the long haul - staying strong)


Header photo by Anna Vander Stel on Unsplash