Disciple making
Additional resources
1-2-1 Discipleship – Christine Dillon
If you are interested in the idea of mentoring and not sure what it is all about or how to go about it this is an excellent book. It is a fairly short book that provides a background and Biblical basis to the idea of Christian mentoring and has very practical advice on how to go about it.
Back to Basics: A Discipleship Training Guide - Allan Webb
If you would like to mentor a young Christian, but not sure what topics to cover and how to cover them, this book is very helpful. It is a very practical guide to topics such as assurance of salvation, obedience, the Bible, prayer, fellowship and witnessing. It gives illustrations and a very simple step by step approach on to how to cover them.
One-To-One Bible Reading - David Helm
If you would like to meet with someone else and encourage them in their faith but not sure what to do or find the idea scary, this book is also very helpful. It provides a very practical and simple guide to spending time with another Christian and ways to dig into the Word together.
Header photo by Anna Vander Stel on Unsplash