Ministry inside church
Mentor guide
Key practice
Ministry inside church
To understand our responsibility to serve at church not just to be served.
To encourage taking practical steps to serve at church in some capacity right now.
To have an awareness of spiritual gifts and start considering their own gifting.
Key points
Part of our calling to ministry happens within the church as we encourage others and build up others toward maturity.
We can minister through acts of service, eg welcoming, ushering, giving, prayer, listening, meeting up, hospitality.
We can minister through use of particular skills, eg music, sound technician, children and youth ministry.
We can minister through use of spiritual gifts, eg pastoring, teaching, preaching, encouraging, giving.
Session guide
Review questions
How are you going with church and finding a small group or person?
Did you have any questions from the article?
Are you involved in ministry at church at the moment? Is so, in what ways?
What things, if any, make it hard for you to contribute at church?
Key passages
Hebrews 10:24-25 – we are urged to meet together and encourage one another
1 Corinthians 12:4–11,28 – an introduction to some of the spiritual gifts
1 Corinthians 12:14-20 – the important contribution we all make to the community
Ephesians 4:11-16 – the purpose of the gifts and Christ-centred community – growth in maturity
What skills do you bring that may be useful at church (eg singing, sound desk, music)?
How else might you serve (eg welcoming, encouraging, listening, praying for people, giving)?
How familiar are you with the idea of spiritual gifts? Do you have any idea of your spiritual gift/s?
To think about and do
Think about ways in which you can minister to people in your local church.
Preparation for next meeting
Read or listen to next article (Called to ministry – outside church)