Ministry outside church
Mentor guide
Key practice
Ministry outside church (using their particular gifts, capacity. skills and resources)
To understand ministry in a wider sense than spiritual or church-related
To approach all relationships and tasks with an intentional ministry mindset
To grasp the value and meaning that perspective brings to our work and relationships
Key points
That ministry happens whenever we serve someone - both inside and outside the church (in our work, community, family, etc)
That ministry is holistic - it includes serving someone's physical, emotional, spiritual needs
We are therefore all called to full time, whole person, whole of life ministry
Session guide
Review questions
How did you go thinking about and looking for opportunities to serve at church?
Did you have any questions from the article?
Do you see all the ways that you serve as ministry?
Key Passages
Mark 1:32-34 – Jesus’ ministry included caring for peoples’ physical and spiritual needs
Acts 6:1-4 – the disciples ministry included preaching and serving at the tables
Micah 6:6-8 – God wants us to serve with acts of justice and mercy rather than sacrifice
Colossians 3:23-24 – our attitude to work – serving Christ not just people
Galatians 6:7-10 – we are to use every opportunity and never give up in serving
How does the use of the word “ministry” in the Bible challenge the way we often think of ministry?
How does this affect the way you view your main occupation?
What opportunities does your main occupation (paid or unpaid) provide to serve people (physically, emotionally, spiritually)?
How well do you feel that you are making good use of the skills and qualifications that God has given you, where you are at the moment?
If not, do you think God may want you to make some changes?
To think about and do
Think about how you value the work that you do – paid or unpaid.
Think about whether you feel you are in a good place to use the gifts, skills and qualifications that God has given you or whether it is time to consider doing something different.
Preparation for next meeting
Read or listen to next article (Called to mission – gospel taking)
Header Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash