Meeting in a small group

Mentor guide


Key practices

  • Meeting in a small group

  • Meeting one-to-one


1.  To understand the benefits of meeting in a small group and one-to-one for growth in discipleship.

2.  To be attending a small group and/or meeting with someone one-to-one on a regular basis.

Key points    

1.  Meeting as a small group or one to one has particular advantages for deepening our relationship with God and growing in maturity.

2.  They allow for deeper relationships and encouragement through vulnerability and lived example.

3. They also allow deeper exploration of relevant issues, and greater levels of personal application and accountability.   

Session guide

Review questions

1. How are you going with reading the Bible and praying and attending church?

2. Do you have any questions or comments from the article?

3. Are you part of a small group at the moment? If yes, how are you finding it?

Key Passages

Hebrews 10:24-25 – the purpose of meeting together - to encourage each other

Matthew 18:20 – where two or three are gathered Christ is there with us

2 Timothy 2:1-2 – discipling faithful men [and women]  

Proverbs 27:17 – sharpening one another


1. What do you think are the advantages of meeting in a small group or one-to-one? What do they offer that is more difficult in a large group?

2. If they are in a small group - do you feel that it is encouraging you to grow as a disciple?

3. If they are not in a small group - how do you feel about looking to join a group?  How would you go about that?

To think about and do

If you aren’t in a small group at the moment, you may like to explore joining one in your church.

Preparation for next meeting

Read or listen to next article (Called to ministry – Inside church)

Header photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash