Staying strong

Mentor guide



1. To provide an opportunity for review

2. To recognise the challenges that will likely lie ahead

3. To be putting in place strategies to stay strong and resilient in the faith

4. To have a clear forward pathway for ongoing connection and support

Key points 

1. Following Jesus is likened to being in a battle or race

2. Doing well over the long haul will be helped by having strategies in place to stay strong

3. This is not the end, it is just the end of the beginning

Session guide

Review questions

  1. How are you going with all that we have looked at?

  2. Are there any sessions or topics in particular you want to come back to?

Key passages

Acts 20:22-24 - running the race well

Ephesians 6:10-20 - fighting the battle, putting on the armour

Hebrews 12:1-3 - running the race, fixing our eyes on Jesus

2 Timothy 4:7 – a life of faithfulness


  1. Do you have any questions about any of the things we have covered?

  2. Are there any areas where you find more challenging than others?

  3. How do you think you can best maintain this over the long term?

  4. What supports do you have in place to encourage you to stay strong?

  5. Do you want to continue meeting?

Header photo by Des Tan on Unsplash