Staying strong

Additional resources


Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book About a (Really) Big Problem– Kevin Deyoung

If you are feeling life is too busy, this may be the book for you. As the title suggests, it is not long, easy to read and aims to help you figure out a better way forward with a balance between doing nothing and doing everything. (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association 2014 Christian Book of the Year Winner).

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction – Eugene Peterson

Once you have read Crazy Busy, settle in to read this classic by a man who lived out the title. This is what going well over the long term looks like. Based around reflections on Psalms 120-134, Eugene Peterson covers some of the topics on discipleship covered in this program but includes topics that are so relevant here such as perseverance, hope and joy.



Balancing Rhythms of Rest and Work (Theology of Work Project)

An overview of rest and work. Subheadings include: Created to Rest, Commanded to Rest, Why People Can’t Rest, How Rest is Restored, Is a Weekly Sabbath Observance Expected of Christians?, How Christians Can Experience Deeper Rest



Review Day

Some people find it helpful to review how they are going in following Jesus on a regular basis. For example, once a year you may like to set aside a half-day or a day or even a 2-3 day retreat if possible to pray and reflect on your relationship with God and how things are going in your life and ministry.

If you are not sure where to start, here are some questions that may help:

1.       How am I travelling at the moment, physically, emotionally and spiritually?

2.      How are my relationships with people I am close to? Do I need to make any changes to the time I give to people or the way I relate? Is there any need to seek forgiveness or to forgive?

3.     How is my relationship with God? Am I getting regular time and do I find the time nourishing and sustaining? Do I need to make any changes to spending time with God?

4.      How is my capacity at the moment? On a scale of 0-10, if 0 is burnout and 10 is full of energy, where do I sit? If I am l low, what is contributing to that and is there something I can do to recharge and refresh?

5.     Has my capacity changed in the last 12 months? Do I have capacity to give more of time, energy and resources? Or do I need to cut back on some things?

6.     Do I have a clear sense of gifting and calling? If no, is that something I need to pray about and explore further? If yes, do I feel I am using those gifts well within the capacity that I have?

Header photo by Des Tan on Unsplash